Online Instructors Certification 2023

Taught by THInK Instructors Team





Intuitive Anatomy Instructor

September 16 - October 04

September 16-27 

Online through zoom.

Sept. 30 to October 04

In person

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator, Intuitive Anatomy Practitioners + Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper Instructor. 

Registration fee: €1.100

Seminar cost: $5.480

TOTAL ≃ $6.580

Building Intuition



Formerly Rainbow Children 

October 07 - 10


In person

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator + Basic DNA Instructor. 

Registration fee: €710

Seminar cost: $1.800

TOTAL ≃ $2.510

Planes of Existence  Instructor

October 28 - November 01


In person

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator, World Relations, Planes of Existence, You and Your Inner Circle Practitioners + Basic DNA, Advanced, Dig Deeper,  You and the Creator, World Relations, You and Your Inner Circle Instructor. *

Registration fee: €710

Seminar cost: $2.100

TOTAL ≃ $2.180

You and The Earth  



Growing Your relationships 4



In person

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator, You and the Earth Practitioners + Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper Instructor. 

Registration fee: €350

Seminar cost: $890

TOTAL ≃ $1.240

* Alternative prerequisites for Planes of Existence, click here. 

* Details of the investment: The registration fee is collected and must be paid in Euros. This confirms your participation and is paid to LiveTheta. The class fee us collected in US dollars and is paid to THInK. both payments are required before the start for the seminar to ensure your certification. You'll receive additional information upon your registration on how to complete both payments separately

** Although you are receiving part of the certification for Intuitive Anatomy online, you are being certified to teach only in-person seminars. 

Detail of the seminars


Class schedule: 9:00 to 15:00h CET/ CEST

(Central European Time/ Peninsular Spain UTC +1/ UTC+2)


First two weeks of Intuitive Anatomy, online from 14:00 to 20:00hrs (Central Spain Timezone)



In person Valencia, Spain

details to follow

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Taught by

Important information

   All seminars are given in English with simultaneous translation to Spanish.



Los cursos se imparten en inglés con traducción simultánea al español.

✓   La cuota de inscripción no es reembolsable bajo ninguna circunstancia.

✓   El precio total a pagar es la suma de la cuota de inscripción mas la cuota de la clase de THInK (la primera se cobra en Euros, la segunda en dólares americanos).

✓   Evita recargos en caso de pagar la cuota de dólares a LiveTheta. No podemos recibir dinero por la cuota de clase (THInK), nosotros recibimos únicamente la cuota de inscripción que es el pago en EUROS. Si nos pagas en costo de la cuota de clase se te cobrará un cargo administrativo y los recargos correspondientes por enviarlo a THInK.

✓   Los horarios de las clases son de 9:00 a 14:00 hrs. CESTy CET correspondientemente. Las primeras dos semanas de anatomía intuitiva los horarios son de 14:00 a 20:00hrs CEST. 

✓   El estudiante deberá cumplir con los requisitos establecidos por THInK para poder ingresar a la clase y completar su certificación como Instructor, más.

✓   Para obtener la certificación como instructor el estudiante deberá estar presente y a tiempo durante todo el horario de la clase con su video prendido siguiendo las especificaciones de formato en línea y ambos pagos (cuota de inscripción + cuota de la clase a THInK) deberán estar cubiertos en su totalidad. 



✓   All seminars will have Spanish translation available upon demand. No additional fee needed. 

✓   Additional translations (Portuguese, Turkish  and Russian) are included in the registration fee, if you selected it upon registration. Please note additional languages most be approved by THInK and LiveTheta. 

✓   The Registration Fee is not refundable under any circumstances. 

✓   The total amount to be paid is the sum of the Registration Fee plus the Seminar Cost (The first is paid in Euros, to LiveTheta and the second in U.S. Dollars, to THInK).

✓   Please be careful to avoid additional fees. In the event that you send LiveTheta the payment for THInK, this money will be returned to the sender and a fee will be collected to cover any and all administration cost that each situation generates. We are not legally allowed to receive money for THInK.

✓   Classes will be held from 9:00 to 15:00 sharp CET (Central European Time UTC + 1). More details on the seminars can be found by scrolling down or clicking here

✓   Students must comply with THInK's prerequisites to be able to attend the seminar and complete the Instructor's Certification. More info. 

✓   To complete Certification, each student must be present and on time for the full schedule of the seminar and must have completed all the payments (Registration Fee + Seminar Cost) and contracts before it starts.

✓ The language you select when registering is the language for your manuals and translation (if it applies). If you do not find your language and need translation, you can request it by sending us an email to spain@thetahealinginstructor.comwe cannot guarantee the translation will be added. 

Event coordinated by LiveTheta

Country Event Coordinator (C.E.C.) Samantha Lohmann, ThetaHealing  Master & Certificate of Science since 2012

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