PayPal Payment

Completa tu pago de Inscripción con tarjeta de crédito. ASEGÚRATE de usar el MISMO correo con el que te registraste. 

 Pay your Registration Fee with credit card.

BE SURE to use the SAME email that you registered with.

Pague sua taxa de inscrição com cartão de crédito.  CERTIFIQUE-SE de usar o MESMO e-mail que usou para a sua inscrição.



Basic DNA Instructor Registration Fee 480€

Advanced DNA Instructor Registration Fee 440€

Dig Deeper Instructor Registration Fee 350€

You and the Creator Instructor Registration Fee 350€

Basic & Advanced 

Instructors Registration Fee  920€

Basic, Advanced & Dig Deeper Instructors Registration Fee 1.270€

Advanced DNA & Dig Deeper

Instructors Registration Fee 790€

Dig Deeper & You and Creator

Instructor Registration Fee 700€

Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper & You and the Creator Instructors Registration Fee (all Instructor classes Spain Online)  1.620€